PEDIGREE senior dog food wet chunks in jelly pouches are complete and balanced with prebiotics. Contains natural fibres and prebiotics helping to keep their insides healthy, for optimal digestion, and made with ingredients sourced with care. No added artificial flavours, artificial colours or artificial preservatives.
Composition: meat and animal derivatives^ (including a mix of beef 6% and pork liver 9% in the chunk**), vegetable protein extracts, cereals, oils and fats, minerals, derivatives of vegetable origin (including dried beet pulp 0.5%), yeast (mannan-oligosaccharides 0.1%). ^91% natural. **Chunk typically 48% of the product. Composition: meat and animal derivatives^ (including chicken 14% and pork liver 9% in the chunk**), vegetable protein extracts, cereals, oils and fats, minerals, derivatives of vegetable origin (including dried beet pulp 0.5%), yeast (mannan-oligosaccharides 0.1%). ^91% natural. **Chunk typically 48% of the product. Composition: meat and animal derivatives^ (including a mix of lamb 6% and pork liver 9% in the chunk**), vegetable protein extracts, cereals, oils and fats, minerals, derivatives of vegetable origin (including dried beet pulp 0.5%), yeast (mannan-oligosaccharides 0.1%). ^91% natural. **Chunk typically 48% of the product. Composition: meat and animal derivatives^ (including poultry 14% and pork liver 9% in the chunk**), vegetable protein extracts, cereals, oils and fats, minerals, derivatives of vegetable origin (including dried beet pulp 0.5%), yeast (mannan-oligosaccharides 0.1%). ^91% natural. **Chunk typically 48% of the product.