Published on 12th Aug 2024
Walter Harrison's Indoor Bird Transition into Marriage's
We are excited to announce our new partnership with Marriage's, combining over 100 years of Walter Harrison's expertise with Marriage's exceptional quality to deliver outstanding products.
Marriage's Indoor Bird mixes are crafted with premium ingredients and formulated by a nutritionist for optimal bird health. These improved mixes cater to parrots, cockatiels parakeets, lovebirds, budgies, canaries and finches, ensuring a balanced diet. Several straight ingredients are also available, helping to maximise choice in-store.
While we transition from these Walter Harrison's lines, you can easily enter the old Walter Harrison's code to view the new Marriage's product. You can also view the old codes and new codes on the online Marriages Brochure here.
Visit the Marriages Brand Page or contact your Business Development Manager to find out more.